Serials Division
DUL Serials Division
- Coordinate the various intervention programmes in serials subscription and prepares on-line list of journals holding for the library
- Coordinate the management of various downloaded on-line journal titles
- Ensure the regular acquisition(subscription) of Newspapers and Magazines for the Library
- Initiate serials management policies for the library
- Maintain a bi-weekly statistics of services rendered in the Division
Serials Section (Principal Librarian)
- Coordinate the selection of E-journal from on-line resources (especially Open Access) and domesticating them
- Liaise with the faculty for quality selection of journals from on-line resources
- Selection of journals for order (in respect of sources of funds available)
- Manage gift and exchanges materials (Serials)
- Coordinate the selection of locally published journals for subscription
- Prepare list of journal titles for possible use for gift and exchange programme
- Compile a weekly statistics of services rendered in the Section
Bibliographic Control Unit (Principal Librarian)
- Coordinate Newspaper and Magazine subscription for the library
- Coordinate the indexing of Newspapers and Magazines (Back and current issues)
- Provide classified catalogue of Indexed Newspapers and Magazine every quarter (Soft copies)
- Develop and maintain of indexing and abstracting policy for the library
- Coordinatee the development of indexing and abstracting of all resources in the library
- Compile a weekly statistics of services rendered in the Section