Serials Section
Welcome to Serials Section where we house journals, foreign and local journals, magazines and ephemerals. The section is headed by Dr. R.N.C Ugwuanyi. All categories of our users (undergraduates, postgraduates, academic and non academic staff, alumni and external users) are welcome to consult our resources.
Users can photocopy our materials but cannot borrow them out.
Services Rendered:
- Coordinate the selection of E-journal from on-line resources (especially Open Access) and domesticating them
- Liaise with the faculty for quality selection of journals from on-line resources
- Selection of journals for order (in respect of sources of funds available)
- Manage gift and exchanges materials (Serials)
- Coordinate the selection of locally published journals for subscription
- Prepare list of journal titles for possible use for gift and exchange programme
- Compile a weekly statistics of services rendered in the Section