The Special Collections Division comprises the Africana Section, Government Documents Section, and the United Nations Section.

DUL Special Collection Division

  • Develop policy frameworks for collection of special information resources including Gray materials and incunabula
  • Liaise with the necessary organs of government to ensure that relevant materials are procured for the library
  • Liaise with the Departments and Faculties to ensure that copies of students’ Theses are sent to the library
  • Ensure that staff off-prints are made available to the library as soon as they are published
  • Maintain a bi-weekly statistics of services rendered in the Division

Government Documents Section (Principal Librarian)

  • Organize information resources received in the section
  • Write acknowledgement letters to donors of materials
  • Source (Scout) for valuable resources for purchase or ordering
  • Catalogue and classify materials received in the section
  • Compile a weekly statistics of services rendered in the Section

Africana Section (Principal Librarian)

  • Liaise with faculties and departments involved in African Studies to source and acquire materials for the section
  • Organize and classify all Thesis and Dissertation for access and retrieval
  • Organize the section in line with its sub-Units (Biafrana, Achebeana, indigenous Knowledge e.t.c) for storage and retrieval
  • Liaise with Faculties and Departments to ensure that Theses are made available to the Library as soon as students graduate
  • Compile a weekly statistics of services rendered in the Section

United Nations Sections

  • Scout for United Nations Documents on-line within the open access repositories for domestication
  • Accept and organize materials sent in from the United Nations or any of its agencies
  • Coordinate correspondence with the United Nations on sourcing of important materials authored by the body or its agencies
  • Catalogue and classify materials received in the section
  • Make sure that all questionnaires from the UNO Library are responded to on time
  • Compile a weekly statistics of services rendered in the Section