Collections Development Division
Welcome to Acquisitions Section. This is a section of the Collection Development Division headed by Dr. Ferdinand Chijioke
Mission and Vision Statement of the Collection Development Division
Vision: Our vision is to assist the University, through the provision of quality resources, to enable it to attain a functional, global competitive and research focused University that will provide a world class educational knowledge to members of the society as envisioned.
Mission: The mission of the Collection Development Division is to acquire all types of resource materials that are necessary for teaching, learning and research in the University of Nigeria Nsukka. These include print and electronic: Books, Journals, Monographs, Reports, Magazines, Theses and Dissertations, Pamphlets, Digitized resources, Audio and Visual Recordings, CD Rom, DVD etc useful for academic excellence.
The Division liaises with the Departments and faculties to ascertain their needs. It sources funds from the University Bursary to procure needed stock. It appeals to Donor Agencies, Publishers, Foreign Embassies and friends of the University for Solicited Gifts and Donations. The Division engages in exchange of publications with, local and foreign partners. Resources thus acquired are added to the existing Library stock to rejuvenate her holdings in all fields of study. These will assist the University in promoting her core values.
- Coordinate the process of information resources acquisition
- Keep track of annual budget of library acquisitions
- Initiate collection development policies for the library
- Source for UNESCO coupons for oversea payments
- Coordinate information resource selection for the faculties
- Liaise with the PG School for prompt release of students theses and dissertations as soon as they graduate
- Keep statistics of annual bibliographic collections
- Maintain a bi-weekly statistics of services rendered in the Division
Gifts, Exchanges and Bibliographic Communications Section (Principal Librarian)
- Solicit for gifts and donations from donors and authors
- Receive and record gifts and donations from exchange partners
- Write acknowledgement letters to donors on behalf of the University Librarian
- Selection of exchange materials for the library exchange partners
- Compile a weekly statistics of services rendered in the Section
Acquisitions Section (Principal Librarian)
- Coordinate the selection of information resources(books) for library acquisition
- Keep records of recommended information resources(books) for acquisition
- Ensure the production and circulation of all library bibliographic communication e.g UNLAN, Accession List, etc
- Liaise with the Faculties and Departments to ensure that copies information resources emanating from them are made available to the Library
- Coordinate pprocurement of information resources through orders and direct purchase
- Compile a weekly statistics of services rendered in the Section